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First of all

Harp Center and its collaborators maintain the published minimum rates for regulated work in Switzerland as a music teacher.

All the collaborators and the founder Eleonora Ligabò are members of the SSPM and have obtained the compulsory Master in Music Pedagogy to teach in Switzerland and are independent while sharing the same spaces. In our structure no promotions are created to attract customers because we are sure of our professionalism, preparation and the quality of the product offered . The diplomas and masters of each collaborator can be consulted and displayed on site to guarantee you the best teaching quality. We promote musical culture in Ticino and our students are not numbers with an economic value, but students with a passion to cultivate.

Teach in harmony

For a harmony between teacher and pupil, a booklet created by pupils for pupils is distributed during the first trial lesson, which clarifies the importance of study and a suitable tool for the pupil. Download it for free in pdf by clicking below!

The future looks good

There are many projects for the future. Subscribe to the newsletter to be always informed!

Eleonora Ligabò
Founder's Notes

Eleonora Ligabò began studying the harp at the age of 4 with Prof. Lorenza Pollini. At the age of 6, she performed in the theater of Villafranca di Verona for a concert of young harpists viewed by the famous harpist Prof. Mirella Vita, who stated that the sound of Eleonora's playing had an "angelic touch".


At the age of 11, she entered the “EFDall'Abaco” conservatory in Verona, winning first place for the harp and viola da gamba class, and second place for cello. However, she chooses to continue her harp career – putting the cello aside – and studied for six years with Prof. Nazarena Recchia.


After that, she moved to Brescia, to the “Luca Marenzio” Conservatory and finishes her studies with Prof. Anna Loro – one of the most popular harpists of our time. With her, she graduates, receiving compliments from the famous M° Benedetti Michelangeli. She specializes in pedal harp with Prof. Elizabeth Fontan-Binoche and Prof. Silvie Laforge; in Celtic harp with Prof. Grainne Hambly, Prof. Catriona McKay, Prof. Catherine Rhatingan, Prof. Màire Nì Chathasaigh and M° Park Stickney (Jazz harp) and electric harp.


Immediately after obtaining her diploma – in 2003 – she was offered a position at the “Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana” in Lugano to teach the harp. In Lugano she graduated in Musical Pedagogy with the mention "Very well", and began a professional career as a harp teacher ("Jardin Musical" of Lugano and Bellinzona 2005 to 2018, "Tre Valli Music School" Biaschese section 2003/2010, "La Nuova Musica "in Lugano as 2006 / 2007). Her career as a soloist also took off in collaboration with the "Orchestra da Camera" of Lugano," the Wind Orchestra of Italian Switzerland" and the "Orchestra del '900". Additionally, in May 2009 she graduated from the Conservatory of Italian Switzerland in "Elementary Music Education".


In Verona she held the chair of harp, one of the very few Celtic harp classes that is recognized by the Ministry of Education across Italy, at the "S.Martinelli" Academy of Sandrà di Castelnuovo del Garda, from 2004 to 2009.


From 2006 to 2009, she was part of the Pilot Group of the Academy. Moreover, in Verona she collaborated with Matteo Bellini's "Jazz Orchestra", which plays for Sky TV. She appeared in several Rai and Mediaset television programs during "DISMA" – one of the largest and most popular music fairs – and was invited on TV for "Rivediamoci ...", broadcasted on La9 and Sky. On these occasions she  presented her electric harp project and acted as as a commentator on the songs performed for the San Remo Festival's final.  


Eleonora also performed as a soloist, in chamber music, light, blues and jazz groups and medieval music groups. Since 2006, she has been working on a propaedeutic project involving the harp and children aged 2 to 6.


Since 2009, she has held courses in "Music in pregnancy", "Bebè Musica", "Parent-child" at the Jardin Musical school in Lugano. Since 2010, she is involved in "Birth and growth with music": a course for adults sponsored by the Canton of Ticino.


From 2011 to 2017, she was the Marketing Manager for the Jardin Musical school for the Lugano, Bellinzona and Morbio Inferiore offices. 


In 2017, she founded Mixolydia Eventi Sagl, a company that organizes private, public and music school-related events and harp festivals. In 2018, she was nominated artistic curator of the 28th Swiss Harp Festival, which was held in Ticino for the first time.


Eleonora then went on founding the first Harp Center in Switzerland (in Lugano): a harp school that includes instruments and accessories selling services, and with academic and amateur courses in Celtic, classical and electric harp.


She also supervised the graphic elaboration of "Allemande" by JSBach, transcribed for harp by Prof. Anna Loro, and printed by the publishing house "Salvi Harps".

We'd love to hear from you!

Molino Nuovo Square, 15

6900 Lugano

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Hours: by reservation only

Monday-Friday lessons by appointment

Monday-Saturday sale of harps, accessories and assistance with manager by appointment

Group lessons follow the schedule


Molino Nuovo Square, 15

6900 Lugano

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